Black Belts

Below are short bios of the instructors for the school and their area of interest(s) in martial arts.

Sensei Cassatt – Lead Black Belt

Sensei Cassatt started his Isshinryu journey in 1966 under the Sensei Sipe and then studied later on under Senseis Clark, Stoss, and Fogleman. He obtained his ninth degree in Isshinryu in 2018. Sensei Cassatt has additionally studied other martial art forms, such as: Ju-jitsu, Tae Kwon Do, and Pai Lum Kung Fu forms.

Interests: Ju-jitsu; Tae Kwon Do; Pai Lum Kung Fu forms

Sensei Keiser

Sensei Keiser began studying under Sensei Fogleman in 1985, when the school first started in the basement of the Swatara Township building. In addition to being a black belt in Isshinryu, Sensei Keiser has obtained his brown belt in Akido and has studied kung fu styles. He is currently studying Chen practical method tai chi chuan. Sensei Keiser is currently teaching the classes at the West Shore YMCA.

Interests: Akido; Kung fu; Chen practical method tai chi chuan

Sensei King

Sensei King started with Fogleman’s Isshinryu Karate in 2004. Throughout the years, he studied under the tutelage of several senseis: Buckman, Metzger, Hollsinger, Keiser, and Cassatt. Sensei King obtained his black belt in March of 2021. In addition to studying Isshinryu, he has attended seminars for Hap Ki Do and Tae Kwon Do.

Interests: Hap Ki Do; Ju-jitsu

Sensei A Ross

Sensei Ross began her journey under Sensei Fogleman as a teenager, returning with her son when he was seven years old in 2014, and has been training since. She obtained her black belt in March of 2021. Since then, Sensei Ross has been focusing on the infusion of Isshin-jitsu and BJJ for self-defense for healthcare and law enforcement providers.

Interests: Women’s Self-Defense; Healthcare Self-Defense; traditional Okinawan/Isshinryu bunki kata

Sensei Butler

Sensei Butler began his martial arts journey under Sensei Lindquist at the YMCA in downtown Harrisburg. With the closure of the program at the YMCA, Sensei Butler found his next home with the school and brought new techniques, movements, teachings, and enthusiasm with him into the dojo. Sensei Butler also brings a unique touch of traditionalism from his former dojo and Sensei Lindquist, which can be seen in his forms.

Interests: Expanding on learning traditional kata forms

Sensei Cooper

(He’s still being shy…)

Sensei C Ross – Junior Black Belt

Sensei Ross began his martial arts training at the age of seven and has been training since then. He obtained his Junior Black Belt ranking in March of 2021 and will soon be testing for his adult second degree ranking.

Interests: Kobuto katas; LEO Self-Defense (BJJ)

“Your rank is not an entitlement, nor is it a privilege. It is given to you to better serve those above and below you. You are entrusted with this honor because your sensei believes that you can represent your art, your sensei, and the dojo.”

Prince Loeffler